[1] Wenjuan Zhang, Saijian Ma, Chao An, Wenjiao Xue*. Antibacterial Activity and Composition of the Fermentation Broth of Streptomyces Parvus 33[J]. Jundishapur Journal of Microbiology, 2017, 10(8):e12677. doi: 10.5812/jjm.12677.
[2] Chao An, Sai-jian Ma, Fan Chang, Wen-jiao Xue*. Efficient production of pullulan by Aureobasidium pullulans grown on mixtures of potato starch hydrolysate(PSH) and sucrose. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, 2017 (48): 180–185.
[3] Xian Li+, Wenjiao Xue+, Yannan Liu, Daidi Fan*, Chenhui Zhu, Yaoyu Wang.HLC/pullulan and pullulan hydrogels: their microstructure, engineering process and biocompatibility.Materials Science and Engineering C,2016, 58 (1) 1046-1057. (These authors contributed equally to this work)
[4] Xian Li+, Wenjiao Xue+, Yannan Liu, Daidi Fan*, Chenhui Zhu and Xiaoxuan Ma.Novel multifunctional PB and PBH hydrogels assoft filler for tissue engineering. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2015,3, 4742. (These authors contributed equally to this work)
[5] Xian Li+, Wenjiao Xue+, Yannan Liu, Daidi Fan*, Chenhui Zhu and Xiaoxuan Ma. Novel hydrogels based on carboxyl pullulan and collagen crosslinking with 1,4-butanediol diglycidylether for use as a dermal filler: initial in vitro and in vivo investigations. Materials Science and Engineering C, 2015, 57 (12) 189–196. (These authors contributed equally to this work)
[6] 马赛箭, 安超, 常帆, 甄丽莎, 薛文娇*.环青海湖地区可培养放线菌多样性及生物活性. 西北农业学报, 2015, 24(11): 133~139.
[7] 安超, 马赛箭, 常帆, 甄丽莎, 刘晨, 薛文娇*,. 一株紫罗兰蓝色素产生菌的分离、鉴定及其活性产物的特性分析. 微生物学通报, 2013, 40(3): 443~453.
[8] 薛文娇,范代娣*. 溶氧探测补料技术发酵生产类人胶原蛋白研究. 化学工程, 2011,39(10): 6-10.
[9] WenjiaoXue, Daidi Fan, Longan Shang, Chenhui Zhu, Xiaoxuan Ma, Xiaoli Zhu, Yuanyuan Yu. Effects of acetic acid and its assimilation in fed-batch cultures of recombinant Escherichia coli containing human-like collagen cDNA. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 2010, 109(3): 257-261.
[10] Wen J Xue, Dai D Fan, Longan Shang, Chen H Zhu, Xiao X Ma, & Yuan Y Yu. Production of biomass and recombinant human-like collagen in Escherichia coli processes with different CO2 pulses. Biotechnology Letters 2009, 31: 221-226.
[1] 注射用高分子普鲁兰多糖-胶原蛋白复合水凝胶及其制备方法,公开(公告)号: CN105860151A;公开(公告)日: 2016.08.17;发明人: 马晓轩, 张乐, 范代娣, 薛文娇
[2] 高分子量普鲁兰多糖的高产菌株及利用该菌株生产高分子量普鲁兰多糖的方法,公开(公告)号 : CN105420127A, 发明人: 薛文娇, 安超, 马赛箭, 上官亦卿, 丁浩
[3] 普鲁兰多糖-类人胶原蛋白水凝胶及其制备方法,公开(公告)号 : CN104844810A,发明人 : 李贤, 范代娣, 薛文娇
[4] 普鲁兰多糖-透明质酸水凝胶及其制备方法,公开(公告)号 : CN104861178A发明人: 李贤, 范代娣, 薛文娇
[5] 普鲁兰多糖可注射水凝胶及其制备方法, 公开(公告)号 : CN104861214A, 发明人: 李贤, 范代娣, 薛文娇
[6] 羧基化普鲁兰多糖可注射水凝胶及其制备方法, 公开(公告)号 : CN104857560A, 发明人: 李贤, 范代娣,薛文娇
[7] 用于防治植物灰霉病的解淀粉芽孢杆菌及其应用,公开(公告)号 : CN201710612011,发明人:马赛箭, 薛文娇, 安超, 上官亦卿, 丁浩